Critica de Libros
Climate and Social Justice   

Climate and Social Justice

Zaheer Allam Ali Cheshmehzangi David S Jones

eBook. Springer Nature Singapore 2023-11-01.
ISBN 9789819966240
Compra de Fnac

Descripción de la editorial

This book offers a fresh perspective on the historical, economic, and cultural foundations of capitalism, cities, and climate change. By exploring the intersection of urbanization, consumerism, and colonialism, the book sheds new light on the origins and development of the economic system that has shaped our world today. What sets this book apart is its unique approach, which challenges conventional wisdom and offers new insights into the complex relationships between culture, politics, and economics. The book is intended for readers interested in the history and evolution of capitalism and its impact on society, as well as those interested in climate change and urbanization. The content level is accessible for general readers, yet sophisticated enough to appeal to scholars and researchers. The two most important features of the book are its fresh perspective on the history of mercantilism and its examination of the economic landscape of cities and climate change. By reading this book, readers gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between urbanization, colonialism, and economic policies, and their impact on contemporary society

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Critica de Libros » Climate and Social Justice
Climate and Social Justice
Climate and Social Justice

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